"I'm going to a BYOB party here in a few days and I have some friends who are BMC [Bud, Miller and Coors] fans, but like to drink everyone else's beer that they bring and not their own crap beer. Now I know it would be good advocacy to bring something that is still craft and tastes good and try and convert them. Then again I know they are mooches and they wouldn't appreciate it.
So would it be selfish of me to bring DIPA's [Double India Pale Ale] over? I would almost guarantee that nobody would drink my beer. Not that I hate sharing, I just not a fan of their mooching. What would you lot suggest?"

The author brings up quite a dilemma. This is the topic of one of my new year's resolutions: "Convert BMC fans into craft beer drinkers." This isn't nearly as difficult as the Spanish Inquisition, nor will it require me to be chaperoned by an elder. In fact, I won't even have to drug people like Mola Ram.
It could be as simple as buying a new friend a craft beer in your favorite bar or taking a co-worker out for happy hour to your favorite brewpub. In the question postulated above, just introducing someone to an affordable microbrew like Mirror Pond Ale or Racer 5, would be satisfactory enough. Your friends and coworkers will thank you for letting them know that the beer world exists beyond adjunct in a can.
Well, you Could bring a nice Flanders Red or other sour beer that no one would drink to the party. :)
Only problem is some drunken BMC drinker will grab it and give it a whirl. I don't think their taste buds are ready for that type of flavor and they'd probably leave the bottle about 80% full.
It's like blindfolding somebody and telling them you're going to feed them chocolate, but instead you give them an enema. Totally unexpected.
Best ANALogy ever!
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