Without further ado, Chadd and I headed over to the brunch buffet for some greasy eggs, fruit, and sausage. We also redeemed our beer tickets for a couple of Widmers. They had the standard Hefe and an IPA called Broken Halo. The Hefe was definitely the winner. Not a bad morning beer. During our schmoozing with local brewers and media, we ran across some interesting characters.
The first was Ron Gansberg, the Brew Master and Chief Imagineer (that's what his card said), from Cascade Brewing, aka the Raccoon Lodge. Now I was curious, how do you get a title o
f a Chief Imagineer? Ron's specialty is blending beers. Typically Belgians and Phlegms. Wait I misspelled that, Flems. They had a really interesting article on his craft in Beer Northwest. Chadd and I spoke with him about the Hop Heads, and what a great group of beer aficionados we had. Ron invited us out for a private tasting at his brewery on Friday night: He wanted us to sample his blended homebrews before deciding to make them for the public. I didn't know whether to feel honored or if this guy was an ancient Greek luring me with candy back to his house. Of course I was honored. Unfortunately, we had to decline his invitation as his brewery was on the other side of the city and most of our trip was already booked. We thanked him and schmoozed on. We also met a candidate for congress who had some great ideas, but we couldn't vote for him as we were not in his district, let alone state.

We met some other interesting people as well as other writers, brewers, and aficionados like ourselves. In my opinion the better beers there were: Pliny the Elder from Russian River, Bell's Porter, a coffee flavored stout, and a Belgian from Goose Island. Aside from that, we ran into some interesting people who all had a story to share.

crawling distance of the hotel called Bailey's. Bailey's has excellent beer on tap, which is generally not easy to come by. Surprisingly, it was light on the pocket too. I also chatted with the bartender and was surprised to find out he contributed to Beer Northwest along with some of the other people we hung out with on this trip. We sat outside and chatted with some other Oregonians and visitors who had stopped by. After a round or two we called it a night awaiting for what OBF 3 held in store.
Stay tuned for OBF 3.
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