Wednesday, July 30, 2008

OBF Day 1

The Roving Reporter is at it again, this time at the Oregon Brewers Festival in Portland, Oregon. This is the first of a five day blog entry and I apologize as you will have to read a little more than just pictures of the brewfest (see left).

But there will be stories of beer drinking, fighting, romance, chivalry, and comedy, but less the fighting, romance, chivalry, and comedy, unless you enjoy the torture of reading my blogs.

We landed in Portland shortly after 3 and took the Max to our hotel at the Benson. For those of you who have not been to Portland, it's public transit system is a far cry from that of Sacramento. It shows up on times and has regular routes, even on Sundays. After checking in and settling into our luxurious room, we left to find the Brewer's Dinner at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, and managed not to get too many eager hunters of the dinner lost behind us either.

The Brewers Dinner consisted of a meal consisting of either pork or salmon. Since both of us are not superstitious and never paid attention to the warnings from the movie Airplane, we chose the fish. We expected a little more from the dinner as far as food, but the stout brownie was the highlight of the meal. Tastings consisted of six 8 oz. samples from a selection of 25 different beers. There were some excellent beers on here including Deschutes sour brown Dissident; Ninkasi's Tricerahops Double IPA; and a Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout from Old Market. And there were also a couple we tried for the first and last time too. We enjoyed the opportunity to try some of these harder to get beers, and meeting up with some familiar faces including the beergeeks, Chris (left) and Meredith, and Jay Brooks from Brookston Beer Bulletin.

The beergeeks and several other friends invited us to head out to the Green Dragon and continue our carousel. The Green Dragon was supposed to be the beer bar to be, before it closed down due to ownership changes. Although some people would argue otherwise. Not being teetotalers, they had to twist our arm to agree. As it turned out the Green Dragon was 1 mile from our location, so we decided it would be in our best interest to suck up and hoof it.

So Chadd and I left for a rendevouz at the Green Dragon, until somebody who will go nameless, convinced the Chadd to go into this place on the left. I saw they had only 4 taps, but a crapload of interesting beer in their refrigerator. By my count it was about 150 (not that I took time to count each bottle in the refrigerator, but you know I was right). So we stopped in and had a beer. I ordered a Golden Monkey from Victory and I can't recall what Chadd ordered even though the same question was on Jeopardy earlier tonight. In our opinion, the Golden Monkey was one of the better beers we drank there. It was a Tripel with a nice fruity nose and a hearty, bready, almost chewy finish. Delicious.

We met some nice folks at the Morrison Hotel, but unfortunately had to say goodbye as we were late for another unrelated drinking engagement completely unsimilar to the one we had at the Morrison.

So we continued our way to the Green Dragon. Unfortunately when we arrived, our buds had to say goodbye as they were on their way out the door. Chadd and I quickly learned for once, sometimes you can't show up to a party fashionably late, but this is not nearly as important in magnitude as never get involved with a Sicilian, if death is on the line (unless you built up an immunity to Iocane powder, which is fictional by the way. Now I am just rambling. Heh, heh, you read my rambling, which I typed instead
of spoke. Do people really do that? Ramble on in somewhat serious blogs? Oh yeah, the rambling, sorry)!
So after a pint each, we decided to stumble 1.5 miles back to the hotel to get some rest before the Brewer's Brunch and Million Beer Drinkers march the following morning. Scratch that, it was only 200 or 300 Beer Drinkers parading to the Oregon Brewers Festival.

Stay tuned for the next posting for OBF Day 2.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hop Heads 100th Event! Tasting at Mary's Pizza Shack

Our trip to Mary's Pizza Shack in Roseville on Sunday was our 100th official Hop Heads event. Barely a week after our second anniversary!
As some of you may have seen from Rick Sellers blog, PacificBrewNews, Mary's Pizza Shack in Roseville recently began brewing craft beer to go with their pizza. On tap, their starting line up included a wonderfully dry hopped pale ale, a malty amber, a pilsner and an american wheat.

Wow! what a turnout! We had Hop Heads from as far south as Lodi (welcome, Tina!). Gary Juels (brewmaster) and Josh (District Manager) were class acts. They went out of their way to show us a great time. Countless samples of their ales.
The pale ale stood out, with wonderful dry hopped aroma. The excellent beers, the awesome appetizers, and the wonderful pizza (my favorite was the combo) put us in food and beer sensory overload. Hmm...wonder what's next to be on tap?!
At a mere 365 sq ft, the brewery is packed tight. The kettle is heated from a 500kBTU direct fire stove. Geez! All beers are served straight from the bright tanks, no middle man. The tubes are replaced with each batch to eliminate worries of cleaning such long lines. It was defintely one of our top Hop Heads events, thanks completely to Gary and Josh at Mary's Pizza Shack. We'll definitely be back!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

First Annual International Brewers Day

I must say the first annual International Brewers Day was a success! Thank you Jay Brooks!

It began at Rubicon with Hopsickle (Moylans), Hop Sauce, and ESB. What a wonderful selection of excellent, as usual!
Wow, the hops are growing like crazy in the back! Then we migrated to the Old Tavern for a pitcher of Arrogant Bastard and Lagunitas IPA. Shuffleboard didn't work out so well with the lack of sand. Daniel, at the pool table, ran it up a couple rounds but refused to go home with the cougars.

It was great to welcome our newest Hop Head, Nicole, like she was a long lost member of our club. She apparently asks for a beer by giving the reacharound signal. I didn't even know there was a reacharound signal. OK, long story.
Jason and I compared Hobbit toes at one point.

Nonetheless, this was not an event to miss. Thank god for International Brewers Day!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kym McNicholas' (my big sis) segment on Craft Brew on

Well, it appears that my craft brew enthusiasm has just spread to my sister, Kym, reporter for In her segment, she interviews Fritz Maytag of Anchor Brewing and Dan Gordon of Gordon-Biersch. Link to video.

It looks like Kym has a little trouble pouring her first pint. I guess that's my fault for not teaching her properly :).